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Monday, December 19, 2005

SPELL-CHECK Chocolate E-claris

You have to wonder what's harder to spell: chocolate or eclairs?

I'm not a terrible pedant, and I don't laugh at green grocers putting a possesive apostrophe in plurals, but I had to capture this mis-spelling forever. It's a declaration, it makes the case for contrast, for light and shade: it's a work of art!

CHOCOLATE - so carefully wrought, so carefully assembled. Whoever wrote this card didn't even have to crush all the letters together at the end of the word to get it all on.

E-CLARIS - have this, fuck it, who cares!

Could you spell eclairs more wrong?

It's the dash isn't it? The dash makes it a work of art, and the fact that only two letters are transposed yet the word makes no fucking sense at all. Genius!

Incidentally, I hate English Bloggs that perpetuate idiot-hunts, so I'm not doing that. I just admire this wonderful bit of spelling. It's rebellious, it's radical! Fuck that dictionary fool, I'm spelling free-style. And I'm taking grammar with me!

This could c-acht/o-n!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Watcher,
I have been pointed to your sight as a result of a tipp-of from loyal customer(s).
I would like to alert you that the sign is spelt absolutely correctly. We specialise in a choux-based sweet with bakers chocolate covering called a 'claris'. In fact, so popular have they become that we now do several versions, amongst them; 'A-Claris', 'B-Claris', 'E-Claris' etc. (All of them are seventy-five pense).
I await your apological response, and trust you will also 'Blog' it to correct your mistake for all to appreciate.

Margaret Backdoor

10:27 pm

Blogger TheWatcher said...

I believed all this until I read 'tipp-of' and thought no, this is a wind-up.

You Mancs!

3:12 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Claris' too! (Although they're only 60p at our bakers)

12:32 am

Blogger TheWatcher said...

I like the rarely seen X-Claris (my copyright, in case Toyota are thinking up names for a new car.)

4:37 pm


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