This isn't a camera-trick, or a joke. These are in the gents toilet in the new section of the Arndale Shopping Centre in Manchester, England.
Question is,
Why two toilets? Why? Nothing I can think of fits.
When did you ever, under any circumstances, ever think to yourself:
'You know, I really like these toilets, shame my friend can't come in here too so we could have a chat. Or do the crossword together. While we shit.'
No amount of crazy thought would lead to you think that an additional toilet, next to your own, would be an advantage. I mean, I like to think of myself as a socialable sort of guy, but I've never felt the need to sit down and have a shit next to someone.
I may chat at the urinals. I don't expect too much chit-chat when I'm a-number-twoing, especially not from someone sitting next to me. Very especially not if they are having a shit too.
Maybe, just maybe, it's a thing for fathers and sons. Admittedly, one toilet is slightly lower than the other, but not significantly. Many fathers may need to bring their children into the cubicle with them rather than leave them outside, if they have sole charge of a child. But rarely would a father and child need to shit so urgently that one toilet wouldn't be enough for the both of them. This isn't the set-up in the ladies though, so it can't be designed for parents.

And look at the loo roll! The person on the left would have to ask the person on the right to pass it, or lean across them to get it.
I'm a great fan of disabled toilets, I love their space, en suit facilties and the padded cushion at the back of the pan. I thought they were the pinicle of toilet design, until I had a butchers at this.
Officially these are the most mysterious toilets in Great Britain.
If you have a theory, let me know.
Otherwise, check out these
new twin toilets.